Your name:
Business name:
Landline phone: (if not applicable, leave blank)
Cell phone: (if not applicable, leave blank)
Street address:
Town or city:
Postal Code:
Email Address:
Social Media Contact(s):
Other farmers markets attending this year:
I am applying as: Select one:
A regular Vendor (I plan to attend every market)
An occasional day vendor
Dates: If occasional, please indicate the date(s) you are interested in attending.
Vendor Category: Please indicate the vendor category you fall under:
Primary - a producer that grows or harvests raw materials for direct sale or manufacture into secondary products.
Secondary - a producer that purchases raw materials for local manufacture into secondary products.
Rain Is OK: The market runs rain or shine. Check the box below if your products are rain-proof and, when scheduled, you will attend the market regardless of the weather. If you don't check the box then you will be put on our list of "vendors with rain sensitive product" and attending the market will be optional if rain is forecast. Further details will be supplied in due course.
I will show up rain or no rain.
Please describe in detail your product(s), including any product
certifications and/or sourcing of materials for your products. Please
describe in detail any product(s) not of your own production that you
would also like to bring to the market. We want to know why your product
is unique and what benefit your products(s) can offer the customers at
the Tantallon Village Farmers Market.
Your production: Describe products of your production below:
Other: Describe products not of your production below:
Promo: Please provide an enthusiastic but honest one-paragraph description of the products you plan on bringing to the market. If you are accepted as vendor then this description will be used on our web site and from time to time on social media.
Electrical: Do you plan to use any electrical appliances at your stall? Extra fees may apply; see Guidelines.
If YES, please list the appliances to be used:
And the maximum watts needed.
Authorizations: Please check each item that you wish to have included for advertising purposes on the Vendors page of this web site and/or on social media. I understand that I can revoke this authorization by delivering notice in writing to the Tantallon Village Farmer's Market Vendor Coordinator at any time. I hereby authorize the use of my (check all that apply):
My Name
Company Name
Email address
Phone Number
Alternate/Cell Number
Mailing address
Home Address
Product List
Food Vendors: Food vendors must complete the following sections. Non-food vendors can skip directly to the Vendor Agreement below. Before selling any food procucts at the Tantallon Village Farmers Market all food vendors must read the Food Safety Guidelines for Public Markets . Having read the guidelines you must know which of your products are Schedule A products and which are Schedule B products, and that you cannot sell Schedule C products at all.
I have read the Food Safety Guidelines for Public Markets.
If selling any Schedule-A products. Check all boxes that apply:
I have spoken with the appropriate Nova Scotia Department of Agriculture Food Safety Specialist (FSS) to determine what practices I must adhere to in order to satisfy Food Safety Regulations.
I am adhering to these practices.
have applied for and received my annual Public Market Permit.
I have asked the FSS if I chould take the Food Handling course and I have followed their recommendation
If selling any Schedule-B products. Check all boxes that apply:
I have spoken to the appropriate Nova Scotia Department of Agriculture Food Safety Specialist (FSS) to determine if there are any specific practices I must adhere to.
I have asked the FSS if I should take the Food Handling course and I have followed their recommendation.
Vendor Agreement
I agree:
To pay all fees as set out in the Tantallon Village Farmers Market Vendor Guidelines.
To abide by the policies and procedures for the market.
That other vendors may sell products similar to mine.
To notify the Vendor Coordinator of any planned absences, giving as much notice as possible, but no less than 24 hours.
That membership is personal. In the event that the ownership of my business changes, it will be necessary for a new membership application to be filed. The fact that the business previously had a stall does not guarantee that a stall will be available or granted when the new application is received by the Market.
To share any concerns or suggestions with the Market Manager in the spirit of co-operation, and with the intention of improving the quality of the market for myself and for others.
To acquaint myself with the Tantallon Village Farmers Market Visions, Values and Aim document.
Agreement: Check this box prior to submitting your application:
I have read the Tantallon Village Farmers Market Guidelines and understand and agree to all applicable policies, procedures and regulations.
Comments: Comments or anything else you would like to add:
Spam Prevention
We have no idea why spam-bots fill applications with garbage and then submit them, but they do.
In order to prevent this, we need you to complete the following skill-testing question. Without
the correct answer to this question the submitted application will simply be ignored.
Skill-testing question: The original 3-digit telephone area-code for Nova Scotia is (hint: it starts with nine):
NOTE: When you press SUBMIT it can take up to 60 seconds for the application to be
sent. Having pressed SUBMIT hang in there - after a lot of electrons have been inconvenienced
you will be re-directed to the next page. In the meantime, thanks for submitting your application!